I need to do a lease transfer so I can move out of my apartment. How can I find people who might want to move? - lease transfer
How do I find people who want to enter my apartment, so you can leave without pay for vacation homes? Ask (in addition to the people) in person
First, if a property of the very popular, ask your office lease.
That's what I have and take within 2 days someone to my house when I moved in 2 weeks.
If that fails, to advertisements in local newspapers, and apparently put some ads in your local shops have (if) they have a billboard.
Lords of the country does not transfer a lease .... If you move before the lease is over - turn off the lease ... As pentally going for 4 months rent plus damage to the unit more ... If the revenue of the unit within 3 months ...
Try craigslist in your area and real estate. Good luck
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