Thursday, January 14, 2010

Diabetes Gums Does Having Diabetes Cause Your Periods To Be Heavy?

Does having diabetes cause your periods to be heavy? - diabetes gums

I have pre-diabetes, and since I discovered my times were long and difficult. I also have bleeding gums


bedbye said...

I had the same situation!

Diabetes is not the case. However, other conditions with diabetes may be related - the most common is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). You can see the wealth of information about this, but PCOS and insulin resistance are two drops of water.

Explore Many women with (or without) PCOS even they do not cause endometriosis and heavy periods.

Now it is pre-diabetes, you should be prepared for all of their symptoms. Be sure to discuss this issue with the gynecologist. If you have postponed the visit, the time has come.
Stay drug or dietary recommendations for your endocrinologist do not move in the field of diabetes itself.

b k said...

No, it is something else wrong. will be monitored by a physician

all_star... said...

Of course you can, my dear. Try to go for a walk at least three times a week. It has helped me a lot. I have a period of non-stop for months and, later, now that I stopped with a weight of more than 160s.

This is not really cause diabetes itself, but. If the problems caused by diabetes also occur because of bleeding.

tam d said...

scientifically diabetes should have no bearing on the time, but can cause bleeding in some people, and this may explain, say, his gums bleed, go to a doctor because people with diabetes are more susceptible to infections than normal people said, Go see a doctor

†Absinth... said...

Yes, pre-diabetes leads all types of hormonal disorders that can include everything from acne to the end of menstruation. It is better to go to the doctor to make your work on your hormones. Bleeding gums can develop deficiencies due to problems like iron, it is much easier to insulin resistance or if you have pre-diabetes. Try to eat even with a very limited carbohydrate intake (insulin carbohydrates because of its expense and deteriorate more hormones to your state.) Best of luck ...

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